Oz tv series season 1
Oz tv series season 1

oz tv series season 1 oz tv series season 1

Devlin blackmails Garvey into re-hiring Nathan, in a ploy to make himself look compassionate to voters. Garvey fires Nathan - only to be fired himself when Devlin ends Weigart's contract. Alvarez is later found trying to hang himself in solitary confinement. Gloria Nathan, the chief attending physician in Oz, who opposes a bid by the Weigart Corporation to privatize the prison's health care system, and objects when Weigart head Frederick Garvey orders that inmate Miguel Alvarez be taken off of anti-depressants as a way of reducing the costs of medical care. He pardons Saïd, who then humiliates him by refusing the pardon and accusing him of instigating the riot.ĭevlin deals with issues involving Dr. During the month of Ramadan, Devlin decides to pardon a Muslim inmate as a means of boosting his popularity in both the state's Muslim and African-American communities. However, Glynn wonders if Devlin bribed Walker as a means of setting up the press conference.


Off camera, Devlin tells McManus that this ploy will ultimately make no difference as to what the state's voters will think about his actions.Īfter an Oz inmate named Jiggy Walker accuses Devlin of purchasing crack cocaine from him, the governor holds a press conference discrediting Walker and proving his innocence. However, McManus undermines Devlin's stunt by announcing the completion of the program earlier than the governor anticipated. Meanwhile, Devlin ends funding for McManus' inmate GED program, and decides to make the announcement after Oz's graduation ceremony. Devlin is forced to acknowledge Case's findings at a press conference. When the governor furiously rescinds his appointment offer, Case threatens to run against him in the next election.

oz tv series season 1

However, Case concludes that no one in particular was at fault and suggests that Devlin is just as culpable as the prisoners. During the ensuing violence, two guards and six inmates are killed while Em City is left a ruin.ĭevlin has law school dean Alvah Case investigate the riot, offering to appoint him as state attorney general if he prosecutes the guilty parties. While Glynn and McManus feel that several of the demands are reasonable, Devlin orders a SORT team to recapture Em City. Saïd decides to protest Devlin's measures by leading Oz's inmates in a prison riot, issuing a list of demands and holding several guards hostage.

oz tv series season 1

However, the governor's edicts are enforced by Warden Leo Glynn. Kareem Saïd, an inmate in Oz, and Tim McManus, the manager of Oz's "Emerald City" cell block, openly oppose Devlin. He also reinstates the death penalty, which had been abolished in the state for thirty years. He knows that the public views him as such but will vote for him because he gets the results they want.ĭevlin passes laws prohibiting several basic freedoms, such as smoking and conjugal visits, from inmates statewide as a result, tension builds within prison walls. Devlin is shown as a sadistic elitist only out for himself, an image he doesn't bother to hide in private. He is frequently shown as opportunistic and morally dubious, using his strict laws to deflect attention from his political corruption. His draconian legislation, designed to emphasize punishment in the correctional system, makes him a figure hated by Oz's inmate population and several staff members. James Devlin is the governor of an unspecified U.S.

Oz tv series season 1